Unmasking Fraud: A Guide to Identifying Fake Learning Partner Certificates

With the increasing demand for accredited courses, another aspect has emerged – the prevalence of counterfeit learning partner certificates. Skill Development Council Canada aims to empower learners with the knowledge to distinguish genuine certifications from fraudulent ones.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the key indicators that can help you identify fake learning partner certificates.

Ask the Partner for SDC Canada Accreditation Certificate:

Skill Development Council Canada recommends cross-checking the accreditation status of the learning partner with the official accreditation certificate.

Learning Partner Code:

All certificates are provided with a four-digit learning partner code. However, many falsify this code, so the mere presence of a partner code doesn’t validate the certificate.

Accreditation Validity:

Look for the accreditation expiry date provided in the certificate, indicating the validity of the certificate. All certificates expire on the 31st of December every year.

Verify Online:

The online verification for our learning partner is available on our website sdccanada.org under Verification. Alternatively, you can visit the following link directly to verify: https://certification.sdccanada.org/verification-lp. A failure in online verification clearly indicates that the partner is not yet accredited.

Research the Organization’s Reputation:

Online reviews, testimonials, and discussions on reputable platforms can provide valuable insights into the experiences of previous learners. A lack of positive reviews or numerous complaints should be a cause for concern.

Verifying student certificates :

The online verification for our student certificates is available on our website sdccanada.org under Verification. Alternatively, you can visit the following link directly to verify: https://certification.sdccanada.org/verification.

Fake Certificate Sample :

See the fake certificate shared by Genius Institute of Professional Development situated in Bahawalpur, Pakistan to the students. We are thankful to one of the students for sharing this with us.


Skill Development Council Canada emphasizes the importance of due diligence when pursuing skill development through learning partners. The prevalence of fake certificates poses a threat to the integrity of the education system. By following the guidelines outlined in this blog post, learners can equip themselves with the tools needed to identify and avoid fraudulent learning partner certificates, ensuring a genuine and valuable learning experience. Remember, investing in your skills is an investment in your future – make it a wise one.

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